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Hörbuch ISBN B07S4CG4PS
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Das Audible Original Hörbuch "Up Against The Wall" ist eine humorvolle Agentenkomödie, in der Superstar David Hasselhoff mit einem CIA Agenten 1989 in Berlin verwechselt wird und daher letztendlich die Mauer zu Fall bringt. Das Hörbuch verbindet historische Fakten rund um die Wende auf gekonnt amüsante Art mit der Knight-Rider-Popkultur. Ein ebenso selbstironischer, wie auch temporeicher Roman inklusive amüsanter Deutschland-Klischees, über die man einfach lachen muss.

The secret history of David Hasselhoff and the fall of the Berlin Wall - as told by the Hoff himself.

Autumn, 1989. The waning days of the Cold War. A rogue Stasi colonel has acquired a nuclear bomb and threatens to level Berlin if and when the Wall comes down. CIA Agent Nick Harper is called in to foil the plot. Soon after arriving, however, Harper discovers his identity has been compromised. To stay alive, he must go along with a group of passionate young East Berliners who mistake him for their idol, American superstar David Hasselhoff.

Meanwhile, across the Wall, the real David Hasselhoff arrives in West Berlin to play a sold-out show before a hundred thousand adoring German fans, in the name of freedom. But upon crossing into the East as a tourist, Hasselhoff - who bears a striking resemblance to the US operative - unwittingly finds himself caught up in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse.

When the Hoff fails to show up for his concert, Agent Harper is forced to stand in for his famous doppelgänger while the real Hasselhoff must rely on his acting chops and Knight Rider training to save Berlin...and potentially the world.


Up Against The Wall (Mission Mauerfall)

AutorDavid Hasselhoff
Artungekürzte Lesung
SprecherWilliam Cohn
VerlagAudible Studios
Preis mp3
9,95 € (unverbindliche Preisempfehlung)
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Im Stream/Download bei Audible
9,95 €
Dauer498 min

Weitere Hörbücher des Autoren
 Up Against the Wall

(© 26.04.2019)

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